Ever since nearly drowning at Sansome walk
swimming pool as a kid, I have been campaigning for free swimming for Children.
When Perdiswell Swimming pool was built I ensured a clause existed in the service
level agreement to provide free swimming for kids, who couldn’t swim a minimum
of 25 m by the time they left school!
Recently I have also identified another need, Ever
since the Closure of Sansome Walk Swimming pool a few years ago there has been no
provision for ladies only swimming in the city.
I identified this need through my role as the chairman of the Perryfield's Community Association, that works with vulnerable groups and people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
It is a well known fact that women from
minority backgrounds are the most vulnerable and least likely to be able to
swim, after some high profile drownings recently, I decided that I needed to do
something about it.
I managed in conjunction with a local school
and a qualified teachers to start up swimming classes for this vulnerable
On the back of talking to many other people and
community groups in the city about this issue,
became clear that the women’s only issue was a much bigger issue for women
across the city.
The open plan unisex layout of Perdiswell
doesn’t sit comfortably with many women and the nearly 360 degree visibility
that was introduced for child safety created a barrier to entry for many.
I am pleased to say that good progress has been
made in negotiations and a slot will hopefully become available subject to final details.
This will enable vulnerable women, women from
minority backgrounds and all those women who are uncomfortable in a mixed
environment to learn to swim & enjoy the facilities free from worry at
Your Labour Councilors Identifying
and resolving real barriers to entry. And always on your side
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